Thursday, December 27, 2012

ubuntu remote desktop

when you want to do remote desktop from a window server to an ubuntu desktop, one way is to use vnc. You need to enable remote desktop access at ubuntu desktop and you want to install vnc client at your window client.

At ubuntu, you run  /usr/bin/vino-preferences. It is a X server application. So, if you want to run remotely, you need first install X-server environment at your window client. You can install xinit in cygwin. Then run xinit at cygwin. 

Second, you use 'DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 ssh -X ubuntu_ip', and run vino-preferences. Then you need restart the vino-server by following commands

you@machine-name:~$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
you@machine-name:~$ /usr/lib/vino/vino-server & 

On your ubuntu desktop you should see following by typing 'netstat -antp | grep vino-server'

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN 6936/vino-server

Once you verify that the vino-server started as you want, you can run vnc to connect to your ubuntu desktop.

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