Friday, September 30, 2011

sending packets from multi-home host

The Next Generation TCP/IP stack in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 supports strong host sends and receives for both IPv4 and IPv6 by default on all interfaces except the Teredo tunneling interface for a Teredo host-specific relay. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You are unable to view Roles and Features and receive error code 0x800706BE in Server Manager

check this article.

1. Microsoft Update Readiness Tool.
2. Check C:\Windows\logs\CBS\Checksur.log
3. takeown /F c:\Windows\Servicing\Packages /D y /R
4. cacls c:\Windows\Servicing\Packages /E /T /C /G "UserName":F
5. Download the KB Files for the missing files:
6. Expand -F:* UpdateKBXXXX.msu x:\DestinationDirectory
7. Expand -F:* UpdateKBXXXX.CAB x:\DestinationDirectoryCAB
8. Copy missing or corrupted files.