- Use Visual Studio Team System‘s Performance Explorer to debug windows application.
- Use kernrate to analyze windows kernel.
- Run vsperfcmd to start analyzing process.
- Run your application
- Stop your application
- Run vsperfcmd to stop analyzing process.
- Use VSTS performance explorer to view the generated report.
kernrate.exe is for windows 2000/XP/2003 to analyze kernel performance. It is included windows WDK toolkit. Running kernrate is simple, just type
kernate -j SYMBOL_PATH -z module
where -j is the symbol path of kernel modules, -z are the module you'd like to zoom in.
To download kernel symbol, you need to use symchk which is included in windows debugging tools. For example, following command download all symbols under c:\windows\system32\
symchk /r c:\windows\system32 /s SRV*c:\symbols\*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols